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Fly Away

The soft blue-gray, buff-tinged fledglings
On our birdbath bring delight each day,
Time passes and they show their bluebird brilliance;
Seems to happen just before they fly away.

Monarchs complete their cycle on the milkweed,
God bids them their dazzling hues display;
Caterpillars and chrysalis forgotten;
Happens just before they fly away.

The leaves but lacy buds in springtime
Grow full in summer, rustle, flap, and sway.
They cling ‘til fall, grow bright, delight the eyes,
More vivid just before they fly away.

The spirit of the one enriched by years,
Whose once-vibrant presence cannot stay,
May glow with God-given love and wisdom
Before the moment comes to fly away.

Each season brings its gifts of sight and feeling,
A time to work, a time to laugh and play.
Savor each one while it is present,
Value it, then let it fly away.

©2010 Carol Morfitt
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